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Public Health Expert

Public Health Expert

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About Me

About Me


Pavan Lohia




(949) 870-9691


New York, NY & Washington D.C

Pavan Lohia is a leader on many health care focused initiatives, including capital investments, research & development, technology and political advocacy efforts across the United States and around the globe. His current role is serving as Managing Partner of PavLyfe, LLC. His wide ranging prior experiences include major roles like serving as a Senior Clinical Researcher at Mount Sinai Hospital NYC, as well as serving at the National Science Foundation in Washington D.C. Pavan has a unique background of educational experience which include having a B.S. in Public Health Sciences and Business Management from University of California, Irvine (2017) and Master’s of Public Health from the City University of New York, Graduate School of Public Health (2020). Pavan is also very involved with his local communities in many ways which include serving as President of the UC Irvine New York Alumni Chapter, President of CUNY School of Public Health Honor’s Society, and Vice-President of UC Irvine’s Chancellor’s Leadership Council. Pavan has had a life of providing service to his communities and making a difference in all of his efforts. Pavan’s early experiences include serving as President of the Graduate Student Government Association of the CUNY School of Public Health and being the Student Health Board Member for the University of California system. He also has served as a first responder for many years working in EMS, Fire, and Police. Pavan is furthering his lifelong passion of changing people’s lives and being a global agent of change by obtaining his Medical Doctorate (MD), which he will complete by 2026. While, Pavan is passionate about public health, medical sciences, business and technology – in his free time, Pavan enjoys attending Tiesto concerts, traveling, and spending time with his family & friends.

Feel free to explore the portfolio to learn more about Pavan!

My Work Experience



Education :

City University of New York

Graduate School of Public Health (June 2020)

Master of Public Health (MPH), Concentration: Community Health

Graduated with Dean’s Honors with a Master of Public Health (MPH).I served as President of the Graduate Student Government Association from 2019-2020. I am the founding member and current President of the Epsilon Chi, Delta Omega Public Health Honor’s Society Chapter at the school.

University of California

Irvine (September 2017)

Public Health Sciences B.S. Minor: Business Management

Graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Public Health Sciences and Minored in Business Management. I was UCI’s Undergraduate Student Health Executive Board Member from 2015-2017 and the 2016 Student Government President Nominee.  I remain an active alumni in the Anteater community by serving as President of the New York UCI Alumni Chapter!

Irvine Valley College

(December 2013)

Social & Behavioral Sciences A.A.

Graduated with a Associate of Arts in Social & Behavioral Sciences with Dean’s Honors.

Sub Title



Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai


Senior Clinical Researcher – Wisnivesky Laboratory

Department of Internal Medicine – Wisnivesky Laboratory
Active Projects:
1. Covid-19 Registry – Examining the long-term health effects of the Covid-19 infection in patients tested and treated. (Current)
2. Assessing Inflammatory and Behavioral Pathways Linking PTSD to Increased Asthma Morbidity in 9/11 World Trade Center (WTC) Workers (Current).

Assessing the relationship of PTSD with systemic and airway inflammatory patterns in WTC workers with asthma and evaluate the association with asthma control

Examine the longitudinal association between PTSD and symptom perception in WTC workers with asthma

Assessing the relationship between PTSD and adherence to asthma SMB (medication adherence, trigger avoidance, and inhaler technique) in WTC workers and identify the pathways linking them

Develop and pilot test an integrated intervention for asthma and PTSD by adapting the Relaxation Response Resiliency Program (3RP), a mind-body program, with counseling to promote asthma SMB, and education to correct over-perception of asthma symptoms

National Science Foundation


Program Researcher – Office of the President – CISE

Computer & Information Science and Engineering, Division of Computer and Network Systems

Served as a key role player for processes involved in scientific research grants and cooperative agreements including soliciting and evaluating proposals, awarding funds, monitoring the status of grants and cooperative agreements, tracking budgets, and preparing a variety of reports. Worked with universities, private and public sector partners, and other federal government agencies on cutting-edge research in biology, computer science, and engineering.

PavLyfe Healthcare


Managing Parnter

Redefining Healthcare is the mission of PavLyfe.

PavLyfe, LLC is achieving this goal with its unique platform that focuses on health care investments and developing innovative industry solutions with various partners to develop new health technology and solutions that will impact the future of health and technology sectors on a global scale. Additionally, PavLyfe has other intitatives under the company’s umbrella such as the PavLyfe Knowledge Hub, Global Talks Podcast, and local community development intiatives. PavLyfe is leading the way in changing how communities, businesses, and individuals approach today’s modern healthcare system.


Emergency Medical Responder

Sports Medicine Specialist

Mental Health First Responder

Language skills

The varying languages I can communicate in, allow me to effectively engage and participate in varying settings on a global scale. These skills have helped me create new opportunities, explore new countries and cities, meet new people, and overall it has provided me with a deeper understanding of the world at large.

Fluent English


Business Spanish


Throughout my education and career these are a few of the many skills and expertise I have. This vast array of knowledge continues to grow and develop through my current endeavors.

  • Public Health
  • Business Operations
  • Clinical Sciences & Medical Research
  • Education and Development
  • Leadership
  • Federal & State Government
  • Technology & Software Development
  • Fire, EMS, Law Enforcement
  • Administration and Management
  • Mental Health Wellness
  • Networking & Personal Growth
  • Approach every new skill
Look at their opinions!



For Pavan, public health more than a diploma. He is always ready to educate, inform, and serve his community with pride and enthusiasm.

Amir Hassan

H&S Energy

Pavan has continuously focused his efforts in supporting the public health space through research and his various philanthropic endeavors. The success of PavLyfe has been a testament to his exemplary commitment.

Kevin Shah

Financial Industry

Pavan is a tenacious leader in healthcare and in his community. He leaves a lasting impact on all of his work.

Albert Chang MD, MPH

Medical Director

Pavan’s contribution to the medical field is unmatched, His drive to change the world is remarkable.

Qasim Chowdhry MBA, PMP

Project Manager

Say Hi It’s Free!

  • New York, NY & Washington D.C.

  • pavanlohia@pavlyfe.com

  • (949) 870-9691